Friday, November 8, 2013

Mistreatment of Australian Bulls in Mauritius

Graphic footage of Australian bulls being mistreated in Mauritius requires a tough response from the Australian Government.

The Department of Agriculture must either cancel or suspend the export licences of the exporter involved. Only real penalties, not Mickey Mouse ones, will act as a deterrent against these practices. It has the power to take the export license off this exporter and it should use it.

Minister for Agriculture, Joyce, has said “no one supports animal cruelty but investigations aren’t about shutting down the trade, they’re about policing it – the way an officer polices the roads”. Officers police the roads by taking dangerous drivers off them. That is what should happen here.

The Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, says, “The existing system is designed to ensure that animals are not mistreated”. It clearly isn’t achieving that objective – so real action is needed.

The live export industry has no business talking about a return to self-regulation in the light of this revelation, along with the recent case of Jordan, where 10,000 Australian sheep exported to Jordan "leaked" from approved supply chains, and were sold in unofficial markets.

The live export trade is not only a failure of ethics but a failure of economics. We should move towards a viable alternative – a local chilled meat export industry that protects and creates more Australian rural jobs, results in higher profitability through value added opportunities, and delivers decent and humane animal welfare.


  1. This just goes on and on and on and it will continue. It's a disgrace. and where are Livecorp and Livestock Exporters in all this? Cancel this exporters licence, he is a serial offender, he has history.

  2. Well said Kelvin, thanks once again. This government has already consistently shown their complete disregard for cruelty against animals and we all need to speak up - it is not okay.

  3. I feel absolutely sick about live export every day. It is so absolutely dreadfully inhumane. I really cant believe that any politician really believes it should continue when there are viable alternatives. I feel like getting the liberals government together and showing them every video I have watched and making them sit there until they have watched them all. THEN have a vote. Disgusting, immoral and such a bad example to children.

  4. It never stops does it? Ban live export and support chilled meat only. It's the lesser of two evils.

  5. It's absurd and twisted to justify some abhorrent and cruel "incidents" in the live export trade. It can't be compared to supervising road traffic, and closing roads because of accidents! Roads are beneficial and necessary. The roads here can be controlled to be safe. There's no excuse for animal cruelty, and it's inevitable if live animals are sent to third world countries with no animal welfare standards! The whole industry lack integrity and is based on false premises.
    Rather than shut down the horror, Minister Barnaby Joyce is considering removing "red tape" that will make exporters even less accountable. This is not an "industry" but a permit to commit crimes against sentient animals.

  6. Absolutely pathetic, what is wrong with peoples sense of right and wrong, corrupted of course but money, but in the case of live export more could be achieved for animals and farmers if we re-established a chilled meat export industry, how many reports on this have to be done before someone actually listens. Thanks Kelvin for hanging in there, hope you can knock some sense into them, good luck.

  7. Thanks for your support on this matter, Kelvin. It's great to see you see our side of this serious issue and are willing to speak up about it! But will Abbott read this blog? What real difference will it make do you think? What more can be done?

  8. I fully support chilled meat export it is the only logical and humane solution,as proven time and time again live export is cruel and barbaric and will never stop!
